Category: Federal Register

Aug. 10, 2023

National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee Vacancies – Application Deadline – September 12, 2023

The U.S. Coast Guard seeks applications to fill member vacancies on the National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee. This Committee advises the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security through the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard on matters relating to the medical certification determinations for the issuance of licenses, certification of registry, and merchant mariners’ documents with respect to merchant mariners, medical standards and guidelines for the physical qualifications of operators of commercial vessels, medical examiner education, and medical research.

June 1, 2023

Federal Register Notice: National Navigation Safety Advisory Committee June Virtual Meeting

National Navigation Safety Advisory Committee; June 2023 Virtual Meeting

May 1, 2023

Federal Register Notice: National Commercial Fishing Safety Advisory Committee; May 2023 meetings

The U.S. Coast Guard announced in the Federal Register that the National Commercial Fishing Safety Advisory Committee will conduct a series of meetings May 23-25 to review, discuss, and make recommendations to the Secretary on matters relating to Marine Casualty investigation cases related to Personal Flotation Devices (PFD), Cold Water, and Falls Overboard. The meetings will be open to the public.

April 17, 2023

Federal Register Notice: Request for information on Coast Guard Vessel Response Plan and Maritime Oil-Spill Response Plan Advisory Group (MORPAG) recommendations

As a courtesy to our audience, Maritime Commons will provide a daily compilation of nationally-relevant Federal Register Notices, or those notices that may impact a large segment of our readers. To provide comments for the public record, follow the

April 17, 2023

Final Rule: Transportation Worker Identification Credential-facility reader requirement; conforming amendment

The Coast Guard announced in the Federal Register that it is amending its Risk Group A facility regulations so that their provisions to implement Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) electronic inspection requirements by May 8, 2023, is changed to May 8, 2026.

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